Monday, June 11, 2012

Just Hanging Out

Future beauty queen?  No toddlers and tiaras for us anytime soon but I know she would win Grand Supreme even without the flippers (the crazy fake teeth the moms make their 2 year olds wear!) hahaha

Just thought this was pretty neat.  Sunset on Memorial Day at the Ohio National Western Reserve cemetery.

Isla loves watching her mobile in her crib.  She looked so darn cute I tried snapping a few photos but she opened her eyes like this every time the camera flashed...I tried about 7 times and each picture looks like this!  What a silly girl.

Joey tilling the garden!  We planted potatoes, onions, beets, corn, brussel sprouts, cucumbers, 4 kinds of tomatoes and peppers...what did I forget??  Oh yes, we also have strawberries, blueberries, grapes, red and golden raspberries, kiwi, a peach tree, plums, apple trees and I think nectarines...Isla will have a ball someday when she gets to go out and pick all the fresh fruits and veggies!

Watching Daddy do his work in the garden.

Yes, it was a little cool and breezy one day but that didn't stop us from having a good time!  Isla, Yia Yia and I still went out on the boat for a picnic.

Who doesn't love a sleeping baby?!  Isla started sleeping in her crib last Thursday and she is doing great.  She celebrated her 12 week birthday Saturday by sleeping 8 1/2 hours!  Woo hoo!!

Snoozing on the boat one day last week.  I think the best naps I ever took were in the cabin on Popsie and Gram's boat!  Fresh air, the hum of the engine and rhythm of the waves...ahhh.

What cuddle muffin.

I took these pictures in our yard last week and couldn't wait to print them so we ran to CVS right when we were done.  Isla was sitting in my lap as I sat at the screen and picked out the photos to print.  About six or so people walked by in the mean time and said how cute/pretty/good she was.  When we checked out the clerk was laughing and said "What a beautiful little girl, it's a shame she doesn't get any attention."  She definitely gets her fair share of compliments.

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