Sunday, November 6, 2011


We are 20 weeks along which officially marks our halfway point!  In some ways it is hard to believe but we couldn't be more excited to think that in only 20 more weeks we will be meeting our little baby.  Our ultrasound is on Wednesday and they will be doing lots of measurements and could also disclose the gender of the baby.  We have decided not to find out and save this huge surprise for the big day.  It is a long wait but it will be the best surprise in the world!  We also just finished assembling the nursery furniture which we bought yesterday.  Now we can't wait to decide on a theme and get decorating!

Monday, September 12, 2011

12 weeks!

12 weeks have sure gone by fast!  We had our first appointment with our new OBGYN last week, Dr. Ellis.  She was fantastic.  We were so excited to learn that she will see us for all of the visits and she delivers all of her own patients whether she is on call or not.  Also, she will be delivering for us at Akron General Hospital which I am very happy about.  The next appointment is at 16 weeks, October 5th.  I'm sure that will be here before we know it!  I cleaned the future nursery this weekend from top to bottom and it is sparkling clean and ready for fresh paint, can't wait to start decorating.

Monday, September 5, 2011


11 weeks pregnant today!  "Mother-ship" is Joey's nickname for me these days.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Pifer Family

Just getting started...looking forward to starting a family and a baby blog : )